Global Engagement
Political upheavals, health crises, an influx of refugees, and global terrorism have manifested as a result of the complexity in how to resolve issues in regards to global affairs. Addressing these persistent world-wide issues requires engagement with people who have diverse perspectives and ideas across the globe. Global engagement is needed now more than ever before.
GlobeMed FIU is a student-ran organization partnered with Escuela de la Calle (EDELAC), whose mission is to empower youth in destitute areas in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. The objectives of this partnership includes, improving health and social care services, promoting social justice and education on health equity. Fortunately, through GlobeMed FIU, Kaylia was able to venture out with colleagues to address certain issues within the the city of Quetzaltenango. Research was conducted pertaining abnormally high rates of femicide and teen pregnancies, thus Kaylia and her colleagues decided to create educational activities and presentations that would promote awareness in regards of these issues, as well as educate them on preventive methods. Throughout the duration of the internship, Kaylia and her colleagues taught sex ed classes, basic computer techniques, and women empowerment classes to students ranging from first to third grade.

Research conducted throughout the duration of the internship entailed emphasizing femicide issues in Guatemala. In 2015, Guatemala was ranked as the nation with the third highest rate of femicide in the world. Violence against women began with the Guatemalan civil war, where countless reports of sexual abuse were committed against women. Kaylia and her colleagues addressed the issues with history, current day facts, videos, and daily practices each student can commit to in order to promote women's rights and decrease femicide rates.
Due to Guatemala having abnormally high rates in teen pregnancies, sex ed classes were provided for 6th graders in EDELAC. Providing free condoms, teaching students how to use contraceptives effectively, assisting youth to make healthy decisions in regards to sex, and teaching about the wide array of STD's was one of the many missions Kaylia and her colleagues accomplished on their month long endeavors.

To discuss the projects I have worked on, contact me today.